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Project Overview... |
Welcome! |
History of the Dallas Floodway |
Study Area and Historical River Courses |
Existing Dallas Floodway Levee System |
Purpose of the Dallas Floodway Project |
Dallas Floodway Project Overview |
Balanced Vision Plan: Proposed Flood Risk Management |
Balanced Vision Plan (BVP) Flood Risk Management (FRM): AT&SF Railroad Bridge Modifications |
Balanced Vision Plan (BVP): Proposed Ecosystem and Recreation Enhancements (Upper Segment) |
Balanced Vision Plan: Proposed Ecosystem and Recreation Enhancements (Central Segment) |
Balanced Vision Plan (BVP): Proposed Ecosystem and Recreation Enhancements (Lower Segment) |
Interior Drainage Plan Improvements |
Overview of Alternatives |
Projects Included in Cumulative Impact Assessment |
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Organization and Content |
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Assessment Guidelines and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Process |
Environmental Consequences: Land Use, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Hydraulics, and Water Resources |
Environmental Consequences: Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, and Recreational Resources |
Environmental Consequences: Visual Resources, Socioeconomics, Safety, and Transportation |
Environmental Consequences: Hazardous Materials and Wastes, Utilities, Air Quality, and Noise |
Summary of Environmental Consequences |
Integrated Analysis and Impact Avoidance |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Cost Sharing and the Federal Recommended Plan |
How to Provide Comments |