The USACE Fort Worth District Regulatory Division has released application submittal templates for Individual Permits and some of the most commonly used Nationwide Permits (NWPs) in the Fort Worth District. Future planning includes the development of application templates for the rest of the Fort Worth District applicable NWPs and Regional General Permits (RGPs). Submit all pre-applications requests and applications by email and include the SWF project number if one has been assigned. If mailing hardcopies, please provide a copy of the application on CD.
Pre-Application (Pre-App) Meeting Request Template
Individual Permit (IP) Application Submittal Template
The Individual Permit Application Submittal Form is to be used as a supplement to the Engineering Form 4345 (the official IP application form) for Individual Permits in the Fort Worth District. Please submit all pre-applications requests and applications by email and include the SWF project number if one has been assigned. If mailing hardcopies, please provide a copy of the application on CD.
Nationwide Permit (NWP) Application Submittal Templates
Submit all pre-applications requests and applications by email and include the SWF project number if one has been assigned. If mailing hardcopies, please provide a copy of the application on CD.
Mitigation Templates
Permit Application Drawings-Samples and Drawing Checklist
Please use this drawing checklist to ensure that your drawing contains all of the information needed for your project
Compliance Annual Monitoring Template
Unauthorized Activity Reporting Template
Consolidated Upload Sheet
The USACE Fort Worth District strongly encourages the use of the consolidated upload sheet for linear projects and/or multiple crossings to help expedite the permit evaluation process. Contact your project manager or the regulator of the day (817-886-1731) and request they email you with the most current sheet. Once received, click on the tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet to access the tables specific to Aquatic Resources, Impacts, Mitigation - Permittee Responsible, Mitigation - Mitigation Bank/In-Lieu Fee, Nationwide Permits, JDs, Regional General Permits/Programmatic General Permits.
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Forms - One of the requirements for obtaining a Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit is certification from the TCEQ that the permit will comply with state water quality standards. This requirement is authorized by Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act, and is therefore referred to as 401 certification.
Jurisdictional Determination (JD) Application Forms
Texas Rapid Assessment Method (TXRAM) Module and Templates
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District has finalized the Texas Rapid Assessment Method (TXRAM) originally published in 2011. This final version, referred to as TXRAM 2.0 incorporates revisions made after four years of use and feedback from model users. The use of TXRAM is not mandatory, but is highly recommended, as its use has served to increase the efficiency, consistency, and quality of impact assessment and mitigation calculation. The use of TXRAM 2.0 will be sufficient in most regulatory situations. Below is a link to the TXRAM Version 2.0.
TXRAM Final (Version 2.0) Public Notice
Archived Information for TXRAM Draft (version 1.0)
Permit Transfer