General Information
The Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District, is revising the Whitney Lake Master Plan. The Master Plan guides the management of the government lands around the reservoir. The Master Plan affects future management of natural resources and recreational opportunities to ensure the sustainability of Whitney Lake.
About Whitney Lake
Construction for Whitney Lake was completed in 1951 as a flood risk management and hydropower generation project. After a record-breaking drought in Texas during the 1950s, there was an emphasis on reservoirs serving a secondary purpose, with the primary one being flood control, as water storage facilities for Texas residents, communities, businesses, agriculture, and others.
Facts about Whitney Lake:
- Construction of Whitney Dam was initiated in May 1947 and was completed for flood control and water conservation on 10 December 1951
- At conservation (normal) pool elevation (533 feet NGVD) the reservoir covers 23,500 acres
- The shoreline at top of conservation pool is over 250 miles long
- There are 26,320 acres of land above the conservation pool
What is a Master Plan?
The Master Plan is the strategic land use management document that guides the comprehensive management and development of all project recreational, natural, and cultural resources throughout the life of the water resources project.
Why Revise the Whitney Lake Master Plan?
The current Master Plan for Whitney Lake was prepared in June 1972 and is in need of revision to address changes in regional land use, population, outdoor recreation trends and USACE management policy. Key topics to be addressed in the revised Master Plan include revised land classifications, new natural and recreational resource management objectives, recreation facility needs and special topics such as invasive species management and threatened and endangered species habitat. Public participation is critical to the successful revision of the Master Plan.

Final Documents
June 07, 2016 Public Meeting
July 14, 2015 Public Meeting