The former Camp Swift Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) property is located in Bastrop County, Texas, approximately one mile northeast of Bastrop and 20 miles east of Austin. Former Camp Swift is bordered to the north by Federal Highway 290, to the east by State Highway 21, and to the west by State Highway 95. Lake Bastrop is located within the FUDS boundary. The former Camp Swift FUDS consists of approximately 29,280 acres and was used by the United States Army from 1942 to 1947 as an infantry replacement training camp which was composed of overlapping small arms ranges, grenade courts, mortar range, artillery impact areas, ammunition storage area, training maneuver areas, and a demolition area. The Texas Army National Guard currently occupies approximately 11,700 acres of former Camp Swift.
Munitions Response Site (MRS) 7 Main Artillery Range and Impact Area/Buffer Zone is located in the east-central portions of the former Camp Swift FUDS property in Bastrop County, Texas. The MRS was previously used for artillery training and is within the main artillery range impact area. The MRS is also within the crossfire of three small arms ranges. The land comprising MRS 7 is privately owned and is currently used for small-scale ranching, light agriculture, recreational, and acreage-style residential development. The area is sparsely populated with about three dozen homes within 1 mile of MRS 7.
MRS 11
MRS 11 Artillery Range is located in the central portions of the former Camp Swift FUDS property in Bastrop County, Texas. MRS 11 was previously identified as a possible artillery range. The MRS overlaps a portion of the “fortified area” containing an anti-aircraft range and is adjacent to a former rifle range. The land comprising MRS 11 is privately owned and is currently used for small-scale ranching and light agriculture (hay meadows and turf farms); however, MRS 11 appears relatively undisturbed by large-scale ranching or hay production. No residences or structures are believed to exist within the site. The area is sparsely populated. There are dozens of residences located approximately 2 miles west of MRS 11, and several residential acreage style properties within 1 mile of the site.