Based on historical land use and results of previous investigations, munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) may be present within Munitions Response Site (MRS) 11 and presents an unacceptable risk to receptors based on current and anticipated land use. The purpose of the Remedial Action is to implement the Selected Remedy and document achievement of Remedial Action Objective described in the Decision Document for MRS 11 at the former Camp Swift, Bastrop County, Texas. The remedy that will be implemented at MRS 11 is Surface and Subsurface Removal of MEC to 1.5 feet below ground surface using one pass Advanced Geophysical Classification system with land use controls. A subsurface removal in the accessible portions of the site to the depth of detection in combination with the land use controls (public outreach and education) will mitigate the risk of an incident occurring to human receptors such that a determination can be made that there is a negligible risk of an incident to occur, thus meeting the intent of the Remedial Action Objective. The Remedial Action activities will consist of site surveys, vegetation reduction, surface sweep, Advanced Geophysical Classification surveys, removal of anomalies potentially representing munitions, and onsite destruction of any encountered MEC.