The Phase II Aquilla Lake Water Supply Reallocation study investigates reallocation of storage
capacity within Aquilla Lake. The findings of the study are presented in this integrated reallocation
report and environmental assessment (EA). Aquilla Lake is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) reservoir located in rural Central Texas just southwest of the City of Hillsboro in Hill
County. The lake was formed at river mile 23.3, along Aquilla Creek by Aquilla Dam. The primary
streams flowing into the lake are Aquilla Creek and Hackberry Creek, with discharges from the lake
flowing into Aquilla Creek below the dam. The Aquilla reservoir covers a surface area of
approximately 7,000 acres at the top of the flood pool elevation of 556 feet above mean sea level (ftmsl),
and 3,060 acres at the top of conservation pool elevation of 537.5 ft-msl. The non-federal
sponsor for the study is the Brazos River Authority (BRA).