Since the execution of the Programmatic Agreement on June 6, 2022, the USACE has initiated the following identification and evaluation efforts in association with the Dallas Floodway Extension project:
Lamar Levee
1. A Historic Context for the evaluation of above-ground historic properties.
2. An Evaluation of Architectural Resources for National Register eligibility (Results forthcoming).
3. A Phase I Archaeological Investigation.
4. A Phase II Archaeological Investigation of 41DL320 (Results forthcoming).
Cadillac Heights Levee
1. An Evaluation of Architectural Resources for National Register eligibility, which includes the Historic Context, in the report "Section 106 Compliance: USACE Determinations, Dallas Floodway Extension Project, Cadillac Heights Levee, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas" (Murphy 2024).
2. A Phase I archaeological investigation and a Phase II archaeological investigation of 41DL583 (Combined results forthcoming).