Site History
The Former Camp Fannin FUDS comprises approximately 14,093 acres and is located in Smith County, approximately 6 miles northeast of Tyler, Texas. All properties within the Former Camp Fannin FUDS boundary are currently privately owned. Three munitions response sites (MRSs) are being actively cleaned up:
- 2.36-Inch Rocket Area MRS
- 60-Millimeter (MM) Mortar Area MRS
- 60/81-MM Mortar Area MRS
The remedial actions will address potential MEC hazards resulting from training range activities that occurred from 1942 through 1946. The objective of the clean-up is to minimize the potential for people to come into direct contact with MEC on the ground surface (or underground to the extent that people would be likely to contact it) during use of the area for residential, recreational, light commercial, and/or agricultural purposes.
The approaches for how to address MEC at each site were selected in 2017 following a series of investigations, analysis, and public meetings. The approach for all three areas includes surface and subsurface removal of MEC, as well as conducting educational awareness of MEC.
2.36‐Inch Rocket Area MRS
The 2.36-Inch Rocket Area MRS comprises 326 acres of the former range complex where MEC and munitions debris (MD), primarily related to 2.36-inch rockets, were found. This site includes an apparent burial pit and berm containing large concentrations of 2.36-inch rocket-related MD and .30-caliber small arms ammunition.
Clean-up will involve removing MEC from all accessible land surfaces of the 326 acres. MEC will also be removed from the subsurface up to 2 feet deep from approximately 47 acres of agricultural plots, cleared areas and land slated for future development. The burial pit and berm will be excavated and sifted to remove MEC.
60‐MM Mortar Area MRS
The 60-MM Mortar Area MRS consists of approximately 775 acres located in the southwestern portion of the former Camp Fannin. MEC items previously found on the ground surface and subsurface have included: 60-MM mortars, 81- MM mortars, 105-MM projectiles, and hand-grenade cups and spoons.
Clean-up will consist of removing MEC from all accessible land surfaces. MEC also will be removed from the subsurface up to 1 foot deep across 392 acres of agricultural plots, cleared land and land slated for future development.
60/81‐MM Mortar Area MRS
The 60/81-MM Mortar Area MRS consists of approximately 784 acres. MEC items previously found on the ground surface and subsurface have included: 60-MM mortars, 81-MM mortars, 105-MM projectiles, and hand- grenade cups and spoons.
Clean-up will consist of removing MEC from all accessible land surfaces. MEC also will be removed from the subsurface up to 2 feet deep on approximately 141 acres of agricultural plots and cleared land.
Educational Awareness
The cleanup decision for all sites includes educational awareness for landowners and anyone from the public who could potentially access the sites. Educational awareness includes what to do if you think you may have encountered MEC. Safety is the highest priority!