Wright Patman Ultimate Rule Curve (URC)-Draft Programmatic Agreement

     Public Notice posted May 23, 2023


Questions, comments, or suggestions?   

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from all parties having an interest in the undertaking’s potential effect(s) on historic properties. Comments identifying historic cultural resource concerns within the area of potential effect (APE) or comments supporting, opposing, or identifying concerns with the documentation provided will be considered by USACE. Comment period begins May 23, 2023 and should be submitted before or on the close of the comment period June 23, 2023. Comments should reference the project name and title.  
Comments may be sent to Amanda Pesce at the address/email listed below.  Thank you for your participation.

Amanda Pesce,  Archaeologist 
CESWF-PEE-E, Regional Planning and Environmental Center
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
819 Taylor Street, Suite 3A12
PO Box 17300
Fort Worth, TX 76102          Email: amanda.k.pesce@usace.army.mil

Wright Patman Ultimate Rule Curve (URC)-Public Scoping (Comment period closed for scoping)

Questions, comments, or suggestions?

Your comments on the Wright Patman Lake Ultimate Rule Curve (URC) are requested in accordance with Section 102 of the National Environmental Policy Act. A 30-day public comment period begins Thursday, June 3, 2021 and ends Saturday, July 3, 2021.  Forms may be emailed to Justyss.A.Watson@usace.army.mil  with the subject line as “Wright Patman URC Public Comment”, or mailed to the address below.  You may also email your comments to the email listed below.  Thank you for your participation.