The Freedom of Information Act is a Federal law that establishes the public’s right to request existing records from federal government agencies. Any person, U.S. citizen or foreign national, a private organization, or business can file a FOIA request, but not a federal agency or a fugitive from the law.
FOIA requests may either be in writing or electronic mail; however, if your FOIA request must also be processed under the provisions of the Privacy Act (i.e. you are also requesting records pertaining to yourself) a written, signed and notarized request is required.
Address your inquiry as a: “Freedom of Information Act request,” preferably within the request letter and on the envelope; then address request directly to the FOIA Office that would likely have the information you are seeking.
For additional information about submitting a request, possible applicable fees, the appeals process, and other useful resources, see the USACE Headquarters FOIA Homepage, or the Department of Defense’s FOIA Handbook.
List of FOIA Offices and Service Centers for the USACE
Sample FOIA Request Letter for Fort Worth District
USACE Fort Worth District FOIA Contact Information |
Mailing Address: Fort Worth District CESWF-OC FOIA Request P.O. Box 17300 Fort Worth, TX 76102-0300 | Email: |
Phone: 817-886-1148 |
Fax: TBD |