The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Fort Worth District and associated non-federal sponsors have constructed numerous public works projects within the USACE Fort Worth District Civil Works boundaries in the State of Texas. Typically, USACE Public Works projects encompass large areas located within watersheds in increasing urban environments. The completed public works projects are operated and maintained by the non-federal sponsors; however, USACE is responsible for ensuring the integrity and primary functions of these public works projects are maintained at all times.
There have been an increasing number of requests by non-federal entities to alter existing USACE Public Works projects. These alterations require USACE approval including National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. The authority for USACE approval of alterations to public works projects operated and maintained by non-Federal sponsors is 33 USC Section 408.
Minor Section 408 NEPA Compliance
Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) Civil Works Minor Section 408 NEPA Compliance
The purpose of the PEA was to evaluate the current known Minor Section 408 Requests and future Minor Section 408 Requests on USACE public works within the USACE Fort Worth District Civil Works boundaries.
Minor Section 408 Public Review Documents
Supplemental Environmental Assessment for a Proposed 54-inch Storm Sewer Replacement Project - The City of Fort Worth M-210 Relief Sanitary Sewer Siphon Project Upstream of University Drive, Clear Fork Trinity River