The Former Five Points OLF is classified as a Defense Environmental Restoration Program/Formerly Used Defense Site (DERP/FUDS). FUDS are properties that were formerly owned by, leased by, possessed by, or otherwise under the operational control of the Secretary of Defense or the military components, predating the Department of Defense (DoD).
The FUDS program was officially established in December 1983, when the FY84 Defense Appropriations Act required that the DoD establish a program to manage environmental cleanup at properties formerly controlled by DoD. In 1985, the Army became the executive agent in charge of executing the FUDS program, with the US Army Corps of Engineers assuming the primary management role.
Nearly 10,000 potential FUDS projects exist in the United States. These sites were once used for military training exercises, including proving grounds, fire fighting training, bombing and artillery ranges, and for major industrial operations and production facilities. The focus of the Former Five Points OLF project is to minimize the safety hazards from Ordnance and Explosives (OE) remaining at this FUDS site, resulting from its former use as a practice bombing range. OE consists of all munitions and explosives, including practice bombs and ordnance related scrap. Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) are those items that contained high-order explosives, and is a subset of OE.
Managing the FUDS program is a major undertaking, and progress ultimately depends on communication, partnerships, and community involvement. At properties such as Former Five Points OLF, site restoration duties are the responsibility of the District Office of the US Army Corps of Engineers. As such, the Fort Worth District of the US Army Corps of Engineers carries out the initiatives of the DoD environmental restoration program, including responding to the concerns of the community, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders. Mr. Dwayne Ford is the FUDS project Manager for the Fort Worth District of the US Army Corps of Engineers.
For more information on the FUDS process, select the FUDS Process link on the menu bar.