Archive: 2022
  • December

    Team Polk focused on supporting the Warfighter with its construction efforts

    Leesville, Louisiana is a small, rustic town engulfed by a variety of pine and oak trees. This quiet little hamlet prides itself as being a place that offers a smile, a handshake and strong sense of community. It is a place where life has not changed much since the 1970s.
  • Corps of Engineers work to mitigate flood risk for Wharton, Texas

    Project managers and engineers from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division's Fort Worth and Galveston Districts, along with city officials from Wharton, Texas, held a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of the Santa Fe Ditch, Nov. 9, 2022.
  • Lake Waco "Becoming an Outdoor Woman" Hunt

    To maintain a healthy balance between stewardship of land and animal conservation, the Fort Worth District Park Rangers assigned to Waco Lake, partner with Texas Parks and Wildlife Division (TPWD) to host two to three hunts, annually. One hunt that has gained much recent popularity is a three-day workshop for women, by women called Becoming an Outdoors-Woman (BOW) hunt, recently held Dec. 2 to Dec. 4, 2022.
  • SWF hosts Emergency Management Public Law 84-99 Outreach Session

    Maj. Joshua Haynes, deputy commander, Fort Worth District, welcomes regional stakeholders to an outreach session to discuss recent changes to Public Law 84-99.
  • August

    Whitney Lake Staff Rescues Stranded Fishermen in Brazos River

    Staff with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District at Whitney Lake rescued two fishermen who had been stranded below the Whitney Dam in the Brazos River during a planned water release from the dam.
  • Fort Worth District Hosts Rep. Burgess for Lewisville Dam Safety Modification Update

    U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., Representative serving Texas' 26th Congressional District, and staff, met with Col. Jon Stover, commander, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District, and staff, at Lewisville Lake Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022.
  • July

    Leadership Development Program enhances leadership and teambuilding skills

    The Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Fort Worth District Leadership Development Program is a developmental program which provides a means for developing and enhancing leadership skills for junior employees. Members learn how to improve areas of performance through training, self-development, and on-the-job experience.
  • Corps' top general visits projects at central Texas installation

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers top general observed the status of ongoing barracks renovations at Fort Hood, Texas, during a July 15 site visit and tour of the central Texas installation
  • June

    Out with the Old, in with the New

    On the morning of March 2, 2022, a prescribed burn was initiated at the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA) in an effort to create, restore, and revitalize prairies below the Lewisville Dam. This fire was assumed to be controlled prior to noon, but due to weather condition changes, that fire escaped its intended area.
  • April

    Fort Worth District Park Rangers Come Together for Recognition, Training

    Park Rangers, lake managers and operations staff from the Fort Worth District came together in person and virtually at the Hidden Valley Sports Complex Community Resource & Recreation Center to recognize the year’s outstanding Park Rangers as well as teach the rookies and refresh the veterans on proper responses and procedures for a variety of situations they are faced with in their day to day.