Left Bank Cultural Resources Report - Texas Historical Commission Response - Letter to Texas Historical Commission - Left Bank Concept Drawing
The Fort Worth District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is currently reviewing an application for a Section 408 Permit that impacts the Left Bank of the Trinity River Levee System near the intersection of West 7th and Dakota Streets in Fort Worth Texas. The applicant, Centergy West 7th LP, proposes to modify a 1,240 foot section of the Trinity River Levee System as part of the mixed-use development (Reference Cultural Resource Report and Left Bank Concept Drawing). USACE, in consultation with the Texas Historical Commission, has determined the proposal by the applicant will adversely impact the historic character of the Trinity River Levee System, a property eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (Reference letters to Texas Historical Commission and Response). Under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, USACE is seeking public comment regarding the proposed action on the historic levee and accepting ideas on ways to avoid, reduce or mitigate the adverse effect. All public comments received will be considered by the consulting parties, which include the applicant, USACE, Texas Historical Commission, the City of Fort Worth, Historic Fort Worth and Tarrant Regional Water District in resolving the adverse effect of the action.
Please forward comments or questions concerning this action to USACE Cultural Resource Specialist Joseph Murphey at joseph.s.murphey@usace.army.mil. Public comments will be received until 5pm May 15, 2016.