PN CESWF-18-MITB Mitigation Banking Guidelines - 30-Day Extension of Public Notice Comment Period

Published Feb. 1, 2018
Expiration date: 3/12/2018

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On January 9, 2018, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District (USACE) released Public Notice CESWF-18-MITB in an effort to inform the public and solicit comments on proposed additional Guidelines Covering Specific Elements for the Establishment of New Mitigation Banks in the Fort Worth District. The close of the public comment period for the Public Notice is February 9, 2018.  The USACE has received a request for an extension to the comment period.  In light of this request, the USACE will grant a 30-day extension to the comment period.  All comments pertaining to this Public Notice must reach this office on or before March 12, 2018, which is the close of the extended comment period.