Joe Pool Lake Dam temporarily closed for repairs

Published Oct. 14, 2014

FORT WORTH, Texas – Repairs begin today on a slide at the Joe Pool Lake Dam. The dam is functioning as designed but repairs are necessary to ensure the continued structural integrity of the dam.

Rip rap (repair materials) has been off loaded on top of the dam for placement during repairs and due to safety concerns the area is off limits to the general public. Dam access is still available to walkers/bikers from the east side but travel all the way across the dam is not possible.  Barricades and caution tape have been placed around the rip rap. Repairs should be completed in about one month. The public’s patience and understanding are appreciated. 

For more information contact the Joe Pool Lake Office at 972-299-2227.



About the Fort Worth District: The Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was established in 1950. The District is responsible for water resources development in two-thirds of Texas, and design and construction at military installations in Texas and parts of Louisiana and New Mexico.  Visit the Fort Worth District Web site at: and SWF Facebook at:
Clay Church

Release no. 15-002