Phase 1 Fuel Mitigation Project at Stillhouse Hollow Lake

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
Published Nov. 23, 2021
2019 Operations Photo Contest Natural Resource Management category

2019 Operations Photo Contest. David Walker won the Natural Resource Management category.

Working in conjunction with Texas A&M Forest Service and Harker Heights Fire Department, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Stillhouse Hollow Lake will be conducting brush pile burn operations in the Broken Arrow subdivision area of Harker Heights on USACE property.

Phase One of the multi-phase Fuel Load Mitigation Project was started in the Winter of 2018-19 with nearly four miles of fire break put in. As Phase Two begins, any leftover brush piles will be burnt or mulched, and ruts caused by equipment corrected. Over the next month crews from the three agencies will be working to fix the ruts caused by the heavy equipment as well as prepare brush piles to be burned by the end of November.

The partnering agencies request that landowners stay a safe distance from any burning brush piles and equipment. This planned time frame is contingent on weather and availability of staff. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Stillhouse Hollow Lake Project Office at 254-939-2461.

To learn more about Stillhouse Hollow Lake, visit

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Trevor Welsh

Release no. 21-051