U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District officials will host a virtual public involvement video presentation to provide information and receive public input regarding the draft master plan revision for Stillhouse Hollow Lake. The video presentation will be available beginning Wednesday, February 24 with the 30-day public comment period open from February 24 through Wednesday, March 26. The public is encouraged to view the presentation and online information and send comments.
Please access the following USACE hosted website beginning February 24, which contains the video presentation describing the planning process and changes, revised land classification maps, the 1970 Master Plan, and the 2021 draft Master Plan revision, as well as comment forms and instructions for making comments.
Questions may be directed to the USACE Lake Manager, 3740 FM 1670, Belton, Texas 76513, (254) 939-2461. Please note that only written comments regarding the Master Plan revision will be considered.
The Master Plan study area includes Stillhouse Hollow Lake proper and all adjacent recreational and natural resources properties under USACE administration. Revision of the Master Plan does not address in detail the technical operational aspects of the reservoir related to the water supply or flood risk management missions of the project. Stillhouse Hollow Lake is a multi-purpose reservoir constructed and managed for flood risk management, water supply, fish and wildlife, and recreation.
This is a revision from the current Master Plan, last updated in 1970, which is no longer useful for addressing changes in regional land use, population, outdoor recreation trends and USACE management policy. Key topics addressed in the revised Master Plan include revised land classifications, new natural and recreational resource management objectives, recreation facility needs and special topics such as invasive species management and threatened and endangered species habitat. Please view the video presentation and review the Stillhouse Hollow Lake draft master plan revision document and participate in the successful revision of the Master Plan.
Visit the Fort Worth District Web site at: www.swf.usace.army.mil and social media at: https://about.me/usacefortworth