SOMERVILLE, Texas -- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials at Somerville Lake announce today that Service Gates 1 & 2 that had been removed for maintenance and repairs are being re-installed and should be returned to service in the next couple of days.
Once the gates are re-installed lake operators will have the capability to make full releases which will return the lake to conservation pool faster than previously expected. Service Gates 1 & 2 have served as flood fighting tools for over 50 years and Somerville Lake staff has now begun the procurement process to obtain new service and emergency gates to ensure continued operations of the lake as intended. Work to install the new gates will commence in early 2020.
Additional information can be obtained by calling the Somerville Lake office at 979-596-1622.
About the Fort Worth District: The Fort Worth District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was established in 1950. The District is responsible for water resources development in two-thirds of Texas, and design and construction at military installations in Texas and parts of Louisiana and New Mexico. Visit the Fort Worth District Web site at: and SWF Facebook at:
Release no. 19-031