Timber Management for Habitat Management
A yellow square is painted on a tree in the foreground to mark the outer edge of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers boundary for future timber management projects. The marking allows logging companies that are harvesting trees to know the perimeter of USACE property. This allows them to know the area they are allowed to harvest. At the base of a tree in the background is a blue marking. Prior to a logging company coming in to harvest trees, the trees are marked in two spots. The blue marking is placed for the USACE forester to come by after harvesting to ensure only trees marked are harvested. On the opposite side of the tree and at about six feet from the ground is another blue marking to let the logging company know which trees are to be harvested. The trees are marked by select species and to allow for proper spacing. This spacing allows sunlight to reach the ground and provide ground cover the ability to grow. This growth provides proper habitat for local wildlife.