• SWF-2018-00424

    Expiration date: 7/8/2019

    View full public notice.Application for a Department of the Army Permit under Section 404 of the
  • SWF-2018-00485 Corporate Drive Extension and Drainage Improvements

    Expiration date: 6/6/2019

    View full public noticeApplication for a Department of the Army Permit under Section 404 of the
  • SWF-2019-00074

    Expiration date: 5/6/2019

    View full public noticeApplication for a Department of the Army Permit under Section 404 of the
  • Oncor North Main 408-SWF-2019-0002

    Expiration date: 4/23/2019

    View full public noticeRequest for a Section 408 permission to alter the Fort Worth Floodway. 
  • Oncor North Main to 5/4 408-SWF-2019-0001

    Expiration date: 3/28/2019

    View full public noticeRequest for a Section 408 permission to alter the Fort Worth Floodway.